​We are the UK’s leading registrar, for the sixth year running

The Capital Analytics UK Registrars Benchmarking Survey asks all the companies in the FTSE 350 to rate the services provided by their registrar, and is the only independent survey in the industry. We are delighted to announce that once again, we have been ranked the UK's leading registrar. Particularly pleasing this year is that we are leading across all scoring categories.

Our highlights of the 2020 Capital Analytics survey
  • 94_email

    We have an overall satisfaction score of 94%

  • 6_6_email

    Highest scores in all categories

  • 69_email

    We achieved a NPS* of 69

*A Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an industry standard for recognising customer loyalty

How we scored across the six main service areas


Delivering excellent standards of service delivery has always been a priority for us, but never has it been so important as over the last six months. We are incredibly proud to have scored so highly across the board and are delighted to have been able to provide a resilient and leading-quality service, partnering with our clients and their shareholders during these challenging times. 


Understanding the strategies and goals our clients are working towards, and the challenges they face, is important in defining how we shape our future. The feedback received as part of the survey will give us great insight into how we can help shape strategies alongside our clients, to innovate and invest in the areas which provide the most value.