​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Managing your time and your board responsibilities is no easy task. Computershare’s board portal, BoardWorks, helps you work more effectively via an intuitive app.​

​​Download for iPad, Windows or Android​

Enable your directors to make strategic decisions faster

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    Improve productivity

    Directors can advance their workflow by reviewing, annotating and approving documents online or off-line.

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    Be efficient

    Make the most of your time with single sign-on and consolidated views when serving on multiple boards.

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    Share securely

    Share documents securely via our SSAE16- and AT 101-audited data facilities in North America, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Provide your directors with a secure and convenient way to exchange board materials

Schedule your demo today to see how we can make it easier for your board to stay connected

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